UCL/FLTR - Département d'études grecques, latines et orientales (GLOR)

Institut Orientaliste:
Centre d'Études sur Grégoire de Nazianze
- Compléments à la bibliographie -
- Supplementary Bibliography -

    La base de données "Bibliographie générale" n'est plus régulièrement mise à jour. Depuis décembre 2005, les "Compléments à la bibliographie" donnent les titres anciens omis dans la bibliographie, ainsi que les titres nouveaux (à partir de 2005). Contrairement aux bases de données en ligne, il n'y a pas d'interrogation possible par auteur, mot-clé ou œuvre. L'ordre de présentation est chronologique. La Bibliographie des membres du Centre d'études sur Grégoire de Nazianze a été mise à jour jusqu'en 2009.

 Vous pouvez nous aider à tenir cette bibliographie sur Grégoire de Nazianze actualisée et la plus complète possible en nous signalant vos nouveaux articles et monographies concernant Grégoire de Nazianze, ainsi que tout titre que nous aurions omis.
    Merci d'envoyer les références précises à L. Tuerlinckx.

    The data base “General Bibliography” is no more regularly actualized. Since december 2005 it has been replaced by the “Supplementary Bibliography”. This data base gives not the possibility to search by an author’s name, title or key word. The publications are henceforth presented in a chronological order. The Bibliography of the members of the Center for the Study of Gregory of Nazianzus has been updated until 2009.

   You can join us in keeping this bibliography on Gregory of Nazianzus updated and as most complete as possible if you announce us yours or other author’s new articles and monographs.
    Thank you for sending the precise references  to L. Tuerlinckx.

 [1998] - [2000] - [2002] - [2003] - [2004] - [2005] - [2006] - [2007] - [2008] - [2009] - [2010] - [2011] -[En préparation - Forthcoming]

[Mise à jour de la bibliographie sur la version géorgienne (collaborateurs de Tbilisi) - Updated bibliography on the Georgian version]


- L. Lugaresi, Ricerche italiane  su Gregorio Nazianzeno (1996-1997),  dans Adamantius 4 (1998), pp. 49-55.

- L. Lugaresi Spettacoli e vita cristiana nelle orazioni di Gregorio Nazianzeno, dans Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi, 15 (1998), pp.441-466.

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- C. Moreschini et alii Gregorio di Nazianzo, Tutte le orazioni, a cura di C. Moreschini, traduzione italiana con testo a fronte e note di C. Sani e M. Vincelli, Introduzione di C.M., Prefazioni di C. Crimi e C. Sani, Milano, 2000 (Bompiani. Il pensiero occidentale, dir. G. Reale).

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- C. Crimi, Un codice inesplorato del Christus patiens e di carmi del Nazianzeno: l’Atheniensis 2198, in AA.VV., Κανίσκιν. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Spadaro, a cura di A. Di Benedetto Zimbone e F. Rizzo Nervo, Soveria Mannelli, 2002, pp. 43-49.

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- S. ELM, Historiographic Identities: Julian, Gregory of Nazianzus, and the Forging of Orthodoxy, dans Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 7,2 (2003), p. 263-280.

- L. Lugaresi, Politeismo, monoteismo, relazione trinitaria: appunti su linguaggio religioso e natura divina in Giustino, Origene e Gregorio Nazianzeno, dans Annali di scienze religiose, 8 (2003), pp.153-178.

- G. Podskalsky, Von Photios zu Bessarion. Der Vorrang humanistisch geprägter Theologie in Byzanz und deren bleibende Bedeutung, mit Geleitwort von E. Lamberz, München- Wiesbaden, 2003, 101 pp.
Sur Grégoire de Nazianze, voir p. 21 ss. et 44 ss. d'après le compte-rendu  de E.G. Farrugia, dans Orientalia Christiana Periodica 70 (2004), p. 487-489.

- C. Crimi, Nazianzenica X. Il Teologo e il prefetto in un passo di Niceta David Paflagone, in Ἐπετηρὶς Ἑταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν (= Τιμητικὸν Ἀφιέρωμα εἰς τὸν καθηγητὴν Ἀθανάσιον Δ. Κομίνην), 51 (2003 [ma 2006]), pp. 204-220.

- C. Crimi, Nota su Cosma di Gerusalemme lettore di Gregorio Nazianzeno, in Studi sull’Oriente cristiano (Miscellanea Capizzi), 7 (2003), pp. 29-35.

- C. Simelidis, Aeschylus, Supplices 691/2, in Philologus 147 (2003), p. 343-347.
[In his Carm. I.2.17. 15 and II.2.5. 238 Gregory of Nazianzus uses the word pronomos which has so far been considered to be a hapax legomenon, in Aeschylus. Gregory’s use of the word sheds light on the Aeschylean verse. The note is supplemented in Philologus 149 (2005), p. 154-158].

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- L. BACCI, Influssi filosofici in scritti di Gregorio Nazianzeno, dans Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche, 138 (2004), pp. 175-205.

- L. BOSSINA - F. FATTI, Gregorio a due voci, in Medioevo Greco 4 (2004), pp. 65-93.

- L. Brubaker, The elephant and the ark: cultural and material interchange across the Mediterranean in the eight and ninth centuries,
dans DOP, 58 (2004), p. 175-195.

- C. Crimi, Nazianzenica XI. Citazioni e allusioni gregoriane in testi bizantini, in Ad contemplandam sapientiam. Studi di filologia letteratura storia in memoria di Sandro Leanza, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), 2004, pp. 179-185.

- F. FATTI, « «In ossequio alle leggi dell’encomio». Retorica e ideologia in Gregorio Nazianzeno, in Comunicazione e ricezione del documento cristiano in epoca tardoantica. Atti del XXXII Incontro di studiosi dell’antichità cristiana, Roma, 8-10 maggio 2003, Roma, Istituto Patristico Augustinianum (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum, 90), 2004, pp. 613-658.

- L. Lugaresi, Studenti cristiani e scuola pagana. Didaskaloi, logoi e philia nel Discorso di ringraziamento a Origene e nell’Orazione funebre per Basilio di Gregorio Nazianzeno, dans Cristianesimo nella storia, 25 / 3 (2004), pp.779-832.

- J.-R. Pouchet, Grégoire de Nazianze, précurseur de l'Hésychasme, dans M. Bielawski, D. Hombergen (eds.), Il Monachesimo tra Eredità e Aperture. Atti del simposio "Testi e termi nella tradizione del monachesimo cristiano" dell'Istituto Monastico di Sant' Anselmo (Roma 28 maggio -1 giugno 2002), (Analecta Monastica, 8), Roma, 2004, p. 119-149.

- J. Nimmo Smith, The river Alpheus in Greek, Christiand andByzantine Thought, dans Byzantion 74,2 (2004), p. 416-432.

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- J. Grand'Henry ed., Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio Arabica antiqua, III. Oratio XL (arab. 4) (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 57. Corpus Nazianzenum, 19), Turnhout - Leuven, 2005.

- C. Crimi, Nazianzenica XIII. I tre racconti della ‘tempesta sedata’, in «Κοινωνία» 28-29, 2004-2005 (= Forme della cultura nella Tarda Antichità, I. Atti del VI Convegno dell’Associazione di Studi Tardoantichi, Napoli e S. Maria Capua Vetere, 29 settembre-2 ottobre 2003, a cura di U. Criscuolo), pp. 203-215.

- C. Crimi, Nazianzenica XIV. La ‘tempesta sedata’ nella Vita Gregorii Theologi, in Νέα Ῥώμη 2 (2005) (= Ἀμπελοκήπιον. Studi di amici e colleghi in onore di Vera von Falkenhausen, II), pp. 29-39.

- C. Crimi, Nazianzenica XVI. Note al testo del Commentario di Cosma di Gerusalemme, in Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici n.s. 42 (2005) (Ricordo di Lidia Perria), pp. 45-49.

- F. FATTI, Tra Peterson e Schmitt. Gregorio Nazianzeno e la «liquidazione di ogni teologia politica», dans G. Filoramo (ed.), Teologie politiche. Modelli a confronto, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2005, pp. 61-101.

- F. Gautier, À propos du témoignage de Grégoire de Nazianze sur le concile de Constantinople (mai-juillet 381) aux vers 1750-1755 du De uita sua , dans Revue des études augustiniennes et patristiques, 51 (2005), p. 67-76.

- S. Métivier, La Cappadoce (IVe-VIe siècle). Une histoire provinciale de l’Empire romain d’Orient (Byzantina Sorbonensia. 22), Paris, 2005, 496 pp.

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- H. Alfeyev, Le chantre de la Lumière : introduction à la spiritualité de saint Grégoire de Nazianze. Préface par le Métropolite Antoine de Souroge , traduit du russe par Alexandre Siniakov, Paris, Le Cerf, 2006.

- N. Baljian, An Armenian encomium on the holy cross attributed to Gregory the Theologian, dans St. Nersess Theological Review ,11 (2006), p. 145-167.   

- J. Børtnes - T. Hägg, Gregory of Nazianzus. Images and Reflections, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhague, 2006.

- B. Daley, Gregory of Nazianzus (The Early Church Fathers), Londres - New-York, Routledge, 2006.
(Traduction anglaise de: Orationes 8, 14, 20, 26, 38, 39, 42, 44; Epistulae 11, 20, 30, 31, 48, 51, 58, 76, 80, 90, 178; Carmina; Testament.)
Table of contents (source http://www.routledge.com)
Part 1: Introduction  1. Gregory the Man  2. Gregory the Humanist  3. Gregory the Philosopher  4. Gregory the Theologian  5. Gregory the Priest  6. These Translations  Part 2: Orations  1. Oration 8, On his Sister Gorgonia  2. Oration 14, On Loving the Poor  3. Oration 20, On Theology, and the Appointment of Bishops  4. Oration 26, About Himself, on his Return from the Country  5. Oration 38, On the Theophany  6. Oration 39, On the Holy Lights  7. Oration 42, Farewell Address  8. Oration 44, For "New Sunday"  Part 3: Poems  1. On his Own Verses  2. A Hymn to God  3. A Hymn of Thanksgiving  4. Evening Hymn  5. A Prayer before Reading Scripture  6. A Prayer before a Journey  7. Prayer before a Journey to Constantinople  8. A Prayer to Christ  9. Three Prayers for a Day  10. Supplication  Part 4: Letters  1. To Gregory of Nyssa (Letter 11)  2. To Caesarius (Letter 20)  3. To Philagrius (Letter 30)  4. To Philagrius (Letter 31)  5. To Basil (Letter 48)  6. To Nicoboulus (Letter 51)  7. To Basil (Letter 58)  8. To Gregory of Nyssa (Letter 76)  9. To Philagrius (Letter 80)  10. To Anysius (Letter 90)  11. To Eudoxius (Letter 178)  Part 5: Gregory’s Will.

- F. Gautier, Grégoire de Nazianze : la théologie de la raison à l’Esprit, dans E. Moutsopoulos - G. Lekkas (eds.), La transcendance dans la  philosophie grecque tardive et dans la pensée chrétienne. Actes du VIe colloque international de philosophie grecque, Athènes, 22-27 sept. 2004 (Centre international d’études platoniciennes et aristotéliciennes; Série Recherches n° 5), Paris, Vrin, 2006, p. 197-209.

- P. Géhin, Manuscrits sinaïtiques dispersés I: les fragments syriaques et arabes de Paris, dans Oriens Christianus, 90 (2006), p. 23-43.
Identification d'un fragment syriaque (Sinaï) contenant le discours 4.

- A. Houssiau, Vie contemplative et sacerdoce selon Grégoire de Nazianze. À propos du livre de Francis Gautier, dans la Revue théologique de Louvain, 37 (2006), p. 217-230.
Dans son livre La retraite et le sacerdoce chez Grégoire de Nazianze, Francis Gautier montre, à contre-pied de la plupart des interprètes de l’œuvre et de la vie de Grégoire, que ses retraits répétés de la vie publique sont pensés et vécus comme préparation au ministère de la parole et de l’écriture et non comme refus du ministère. Sa conception de la philosophie, identifiée à la vie contemplative, est cohérente avec sa vocation sacerdotale. L’A. éclaire ceci à bon droit par les idées philosophiques ambiantes. Il devrait mieux tenir compte, pour la conception du sacerdoce, de la tradition exégétique d’Origène. L’évêque se définit adéquatement comme hiereus et poimèn.
(Résumé donné sur: http://www.teco.ucl.ac.be/RTL/Resumes/Res2006.htm#houssiau20062)

- C. Simelidis, Selected Poems of Gregory of Nazianzus: a Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary, D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 2006.
[Carm. I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32]

 - C. Simelidis, Honouring the bridegroom like God: Theodore Prodromos, Carmina Historica 6.46, in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 46 (2006), p. 87-100.
[Theodore Prodromos misread a phrase at Gregory’s carm. II.1.1. 280 and created a new word, thinking that he borrowed it from Gregory].

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- B. Coulie ed., Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio Iberica, V. Orationes XXXIX et XL (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 58. Corpus Nazianzenum, 20), Turnhout - Leuven, Brepols, 2007. XIV + 332 pp.

- C. Sanspeur ed. (cum indice a N. Castillo confecto), Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio Armeniaca, IV. Oratio VI (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 61. Corpus Nazianzenum 21), Turnhout  Leuven, 2007. IV + 167 pp.

- J. Mossay (ed.), Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera. Versio Graeca, I. Orationes X et XII (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 64. Corpus Nazianzenum, 22), Turnhout - Leuven, Brepols, 2007. CXXXVI + 63 pp.

- J. Mossay, Gregoriana (Bibliothèque de Byzantion 10. Service des Réimpressions 4), Bruxelles, 2007. VIII + 361 pp.

- F. Gautier, Grégoire l'Innovateur? Tradition et innovation théologiques chez Grégoire de Nazianze, in Revue des Études augustiniennes, 53/2 (2007), p. 235-266.

- C. Crimi,  Le api sapienti di Gregorio Nazianzeno, in La cultura scientifico-naturalistica nei Padri della chiesa (I-V sec.). XXXV Incontro di studiosi dell’antichità cristiana, 4-6 maggio 2006 (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum, 101), Roma, 2007, pp. 233-239.

- D. S. Kalleres, Demons and divine illumination: A consideration of eight prayers by Gregory of Nazianzus, dans Vigilae Christianae, 61/2 (2007), p. 157-188.
This article considers eight prayers by Gregory of Nazianzus (Patrologia Graeca 37.1397–1406) that are singular in their anti-demonic tone and apotropaic formulae. Reading these texts in light of Gregory’s Orations 20, 27, and 38–40 elucidates the Cappadocian’s connection between baptism and the acquisition of divine knowledge; thus, we can acquire a rare view into the practical aspects of Gregory’s endeavors with theoria in his post-baptismal life. Finally, these prayers bring into sharp relief the consequential materiality of the devil and demons in Gregory of Nazianzus’ epistemology, theology, and asceticism. In so doing, this essay seeks to turn attention to the vibrant demonologies cultivated and constructed by elite, educated Christians in the late antique cities of the Greek East.
Keywords: mystagogue - contemplation - theurgy - Fall - baptism - theoria - epistemology - Plotinus
(Résumé donné sur: http://www.springerlink.com/content/n10j746p8821r556)

- R. Ziadé, Les martyrs Maccabées: de l'histoire juive au culte chrétien. Les homélies de Grégoire de Nazianze et Jean Chrysostome (Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements, 80), Leiden, Brill, 2007.
(Abstract et résumé: http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=18&pid=21284)

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- J.-C. Haelewyck (ed.), Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera, Versio Syriaca IV, Orationes XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 65; Corpus Nazianzenum, 23), Turnhout, Brepols, 2008.
Présentation du livre sur le site de Brepols

- K. Bezarashvili, On some definitions of the art of versification and grammar in Byzantine and Georgian literary sources, dans Le Muséon, 121 (2008), p. 153-212.
This article analyzes the definition of the art of versification according to Greek texts and their Georgian translations. It focus primarily on the homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus which existed simultaneously in two textual traditions, but also on other works related to his writings, i.e. commentaries on Gregory’s homilies, the Life and Enkomion of Gregory.

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- Ch. Simelidis, Selected Poems of Gregory of Nazianzus. I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32: A  critical edition with introduction and Commentary (Hypomnemata, 177), Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009. 284 S., ISBN 978-3-525-25287-1.
Summary: This is a critical edition, with introduction and commentary, of  four poems written by Gregory of Nazianzus (I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32). Gregory was an enthusiastic reader of Callimachus and special attention is paid to his use of poetic allusion.
Presentation, contents and summary: http://www.v-r.de/de/titel/352525287/

- J. Mossay, Nazianze et les Grégoire. Réflexions d'un helléniste retraité (Langues et cultures anciennes, 15), Bruxelles, Éditions Safran, 2009. 192 pages. ISBN 978-2-87457-028-5.
Présentation du livre et de l'auteur, table des matières: http://www.safran.be/proddetail.php?prod=LCA15


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- A. Schmidt (ed.), Studia Nazianzenica II (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 73; Corpus Nazianzenum, 24), Turnhout, Brepols, 2010.
Table des matières [PDF]; Présentation du livre sur le site de Brepols


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- J.-C. Haelewyck (ed.), Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera, Versio Syriaca V, Orationes I, II, III (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca, 77; Corpus Nazianzenum, 25), Turnhout, Brepols, 2011.
Présentation du livre sur le site de Brepols


En préparation - Forthcoming

- L. Bacci, Gregorio Nazianzeno. A Nemesio, governatore pagano [carm. II,2,7]. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione, commento e appendici di L. BACCI, di prossima pubblicazione presso le edizioni EDB (collana “Biblioteca Patristica”)

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Bibliographie sur la version géorgienne - Bibliography on the Georgian version

- BEZARASHVILI K., On the Interpretation of the Georgian Translation of Gregory Nazianzen’s One Hymn, in Matsne (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 4, 1982, p. 68-79.   (in Georgian with Russian resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., Symbols in Gregory Nazianzen's Poetry, in Transactions of Tbilisi State University, vol. 261, (Literary Research), 1986, p. 121-142. (in Georgian with English resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., Poetry of Gregory Nazianzen in Georgian Literature, in Matsne (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 3, 1986, p. 87-112.  (in Georgian with Russian resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., From Anonymous Georgian Translations of the Poems of Gregory Nazianzen, in Transactions of Tbilisi State University, vol. 285 (Literary Research), 1989, p. 153-174.  (in Georgian with English resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., The Treatise of Michael Psellos on the Style of St. Fathers (Preface, translation of the text, commentaries), in Gza Sameupo (The Royal Way. Library of Ancient Ecclesiastical Literature, 1/4), Tbilisi, 1996, p. 70-92.  (in Georgian)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., The Tracts of Michael Psellos Concerning Theological Style and their Importance for Georgian Literature, in Istoriul-Philologiuri Krebuli (Historical-Philological Collection Dedicated to I. Djavakhishvili’s 120th Anniversary. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), Tbilisi, 1997, p. 82-86. (in Georgian)

- BEZARASHVILI K., From the Literary-theoretical Thought of Ephrem Mtsire (Traditional Classical Concept of Imitation in Byzantine Theories of Rhetoric and Ephrem Mtsire's Writings), in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1-4, 1997, p. 138-161. (in Georgian with Russian resume) 

- BEZARASHVILI K., New, Christian Aspect of the Concept of Imitation (Mimèsis) in Byzantine Theories of Rhetoric and in Ephrem Mtsire's Writings, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1-4, 1998, p. 89-128.  (in Georgian with Russian resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., The Problem of Classical Greek Versification in Georgian Hellenophile Tradition, in "Literatura da xelovneba" (Literature and Art), 4, Tbilisi, 1998, p.69-103.  (in Georgian)

- BEZARASHVILI K.,  Ephrem Mtsire on the Relations of Classical Literary Form and Christian Content, in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. A Collection of Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), XIX, Tbilisi, 1998, p. 123-154. (in Georgian with English resume) 

- BEZARASHVILI K., Once more about the Translation Method of Euthymius the Athonite: Interpolation in Gregory the Theologian's Homily XLII, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1-4, 1999, p. 133-148.  (in Georgian with Russian resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., The Iambic Verses Composed in Hellenophile School Appended to Gregory the Theologian's Homilies in Ephrem Mtsire's Collections, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XVIII, Tbilisi, 1999, p. 253-264. (in Georgian with English resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., "Niceta's Paraphrase" Translated by George the Athonite in Ephrem Mtsire's Collections of Gregory the Theologian's Works, in "K. Kekelidze 120" (A Collection Dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Prof. K. Kekelidze. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), Tbilisi, 1999, p. 19-39.  (in Georgian)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., On the Etymology of the Term "taepi", in ANATHESIS. Philological-Historical Studies Dedicated to Academician T. Kaukhchishvili, Tbilisi University Press,1999, p. 53-59.   (in Georgian with English resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., On the Understanding of Some Passages from Ioane Petritsi's so-called Epilogue: "Ulumpianta Dzlevani", in  METANOIA. A Collection Dedicated to the 130th Birth Anniversary of Grigol Tsereteli, Tbilisi University Press, 2001, p. 48-63. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Some Peculiarities of Theological-Rhetorical Style in the Writings of Gregory the Theologian and their Georgian Translations: Laconism and Obscurity, I,  in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XIX, Tbilisi, 2001, p.258-276. (in Georgian with English resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., On the Attitude towards "Outer" Wisdom in the Colophons of Ephrem Mtsire, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series, 1-4), 2001, p. 134-157. (in Georgian with Russian resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K.,  [ On the Understanding of "Deep Bookish Word" in Ephrem Mtsire's Colophons, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series, 1-4), 2002, p. 87-107. (in Georgian with Russian resume) ]  this is already in web-site;but  in the title is written: "Deep Word of Books" [choose the proper one]

- BEZARASHVILI K., The Colophons of Ephrem Mtsire Concerning the Translation Methods and the Peculiarities of Hellenophile Translation, I, in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), XXIII, Tbilisi, 2002, p.76-88. (in Georgian with English resume)

- BEZARASHVILI K., On the Understanding of the Concept of Beauty in Byzantine Aesthetics and in the Writings of Ephrem Mtsire, I,  in "Sjani" (Discussions, Annual Literary-Theoretical Collection. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), III, Tbilisi, 2002, p.74-90. (in Georgian)

- BEZARASHVILI K., The Reasons and Purposes of Development of Hellenophile Translation, in "A. Baramidze, 100" (A Collection Dedicated to Academician A. Baramidze. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), Tbilisi, 2002, p. 45-58. (in Georgian)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Anonymous Georgian Translation of Gnomic Poems of Gregory Nazianzen and Commentaries on them, in Transactions of Tbilisi State University, vol. 240 (Literary Research), 2002, p.155-194. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Some Peculiarities of Theological-Rhetorical Style in the Writings of Gregory the Theologian and their Georgian Translations: Laconism and Obscurity, II,  in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XX, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 115-131. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Old Georgian Translation and  Georgian Literary Traditions, in "Ena da Kultura" (Language and Culture), 4, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 5-10. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., The Colophons of Ephrem Mtsire Concerning the Translation Methods and the Peculiarities of Hellenophile Translation, II, in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), XXIV, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 103-117. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., The Peculiarities of the Translations of Dynamic Equivalence in the Homilies of Gregory the Theologian Translated by Euthymius the Athonite, in Transactions of Tbilisi State University, vol. 348 (Literary Research), 2003, p. 269-324. (in Georgian with English resume)   [ it is already placed in web-site; cf. the nuances of the title ]

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Translation Tendencies of Ephrem Mtsire: Translation of the Type of Dynamic Equivalence with Hellenophile Peculiarities, in "Logos". The Annual of Greek and Roman Studies, 1, Tbilisi University Press, 2003, p. 46-83. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., The Peculiarities of the Translation of Formal Equivalence in Ephrem Mtsire's Version of the Homilies of Gregory the Theologian, in "Logos". The Annual of Greek and Roman Studies, 1, Tbilisi University Press, 2003, p. 84-110. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., On the Understanding of the Concept of Beauty in Byzantine Aesthetics and in the Writings of Ephrem Mtsire, II,  in "Sjani" (Discussions, Annual Literary-Theoretical Collection. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), IV, Tbilisi, 2003, p.58-78. (in Georgian) 

- BEZARASHVILI K., Terminological Precision and Word-building in the Liturgical Homilies of Gregory the Theologian Translated by Ephrem Mtsire, in "Logos". The Annual of Greek and Roman Studies, 2, Tbilisi University Press, 2004, p. 32-57. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Rhetorical Ornaments in Gregory Nazianzen's Writings and their Georgian Translations, in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), XXV, Tbilisi, 2004, p. 66-88. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., New Materials of Major Compositional Changes in the Translations of the Homilies of Gregory the Theologian by Euthymius the Athonite (1. Interpolation in Gregory the Theologian's 20th Homily; 2. Compiled  "Spiritual Teachings"), in  "K. Kekelidze 125". A  Collection Dedicated to Prof. K. Kekelidze, Tbilisi University Press, 2004, p. 207-228. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Theory and Practice of Rhetoric and Translation. A Study of Georgian Translations of Gregory the Theologian's Writings, Tbilisi, "Metsniereba", 2004 (794 pp.).    (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Biblical Poetics and Rhetorical Style of Greek Orations in Old Georgian Translations, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 2004-2005, p. 148-164. (in Georgian with Russian resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., Some "Aporetas" (Non-Liturgical Homilies) of Gregory the Theologian in Euthymius the Athonite's Translation, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XXI, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 129-138. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K.,  MATCHAVARIANI M., Ephrem Mtsire and the Classical and Byzantine Theories of Composition, in "Ena da Kultura" (Language and Culture), 5-6, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 7-10. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., The Influence of Gregory the Theologian's Writings on Literary Processes in Georgia, in Literary Researches, XXVI, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 79-94. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., From the Christian Sources of Romantic Poetry: The Cycle "Ad Diabolum" by Gregory the Theologian and "To the Evil Soul" by N. Baratashvili, in  "Nikoloz Baratashvili" (Collection of Scientific Studies. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), Tbilisi, 2006, 19-33 (in Georgian)

 - BEZARASHVILI K., On the Understanding of Some Passages from Ioane Petritsi's so-called Epilogue: "mearistotelura", in "Logos". The Annual of Greek and Roman Studies, 4, Tbilisi University Press, 2006, p. 17-44. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - KURTSIKIDZE T., For the Source of the Georgian Translation of Gregory the Theologian's or. 31, in "K. Kekelidze 125" (A Collection of Researches), Tbilisi University Press, 2003.   (in Georgian with French resume)

- KURTSIKIDZE T., On the Composition of the Manuscript Ath. 68 and the Colophon of Ephrem Mtsire in Cod. Tbilisi A 292, in Scientific-Theological Works, II, Tbilisi Theological Academy, 2004, p. 112-120.   (in Georgian with English resume)

 - KURTSIKIDZE T., On the Literary Genre of Georgian Translations of Gregory the Theologian's Theological Homilies (or.29, or. 31), in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Manuscripts), XXV, Tbilisi, 2004, p. 89-94. (in Georgian with English resume)

- MARGIANI T., The Peculiarities of the Translation of Gregory Presbyter's "The Life of Gregory Nazianzen" by Euthymius the Athonite, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XVIII, Tbilisi, 1999, p. 131-139.  (in Georgian with French resume).

- MARGIANI T., The Translation of Gregory Presbyter's "The Life of Gregory Nazianzen" by Ephrem Mtsire in Ancient Georgian Manuscripts, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XIX, Tbilisi, 2001, p. 221-224. (in Georgian with French resume).

 - MARGIANI T., Some Issues Concerning the Georgian Translations of "The Life of Gregory Nazianzen" of Gregory Presbyter, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XX, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 158-161.  (in Georgian with French resume)

 - MARGIANI T., Biblical Citations in the Georgian Translations of Gregory Presbyter's "The Life of Gregory Nazianzen", in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XXI, Tbilisi, 2004, p. 119-128. (in Georgian with French resume)

- MATCHAVARIANI M., Peculiarities of Gregory Nazianzen's Rhetorical Art in the Translations of David Tbeli, in "Istoriul-Philolgiuri Krebuli" (Historical-Philological Collection Dedicated to I. Djavakhishvili’s 120th Anniversary. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), Tbilisi, 1997, p. 87-91 (in Georgian with Russian resume).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Theological Terminology in David Tbeli's Translations of Gregory Nazianzen's Works, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XVIII, Tbilisi, 1999, p.205-235 (in Georgian with Russian resume).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., The Classical Rhetoric in Old Georgian Translations (Based on David Tbeli's Translations of Gregory of Nazianzus's Works), in "Phasis". Scientific Studies, 2-3, Tbilisi University Press, 2000, p. 275-279 (in English).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Hagiographical Paradigms in Homiletics (Based on the Writings of Gregory the Theologian), in "Religia" (Religion. Scientific and Theological Journal), 1-3, Tbilisi, 2001, p.20-36 (in Georgian).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Biblical Quotations in David Tbeli's Translations of the Works by Gregory Nazianzen, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XIX, Tbilisi, 2001, p. 277-290 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Ephrem Mtsire's Attitude towards "Outer" Wisdom according to the Homily "Contra Julianum" (or.5) by Gregory Nazianzen, in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), XXIII, Tbilisi, 2002, p. 89-95 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Special Features of David Tbeli's Translating Method: General Description of Translations (Based on the Works of Gregory the Theologian), in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1-4, 2002, p. 108-118 (in Georgian with Russian resume).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., The Attitude towards Classical and Byzantine Education and Rhetorical Technique in the Translations of David Tbeli (Based on the Writings of Gregory the Theologian), in "Literaturuli Dziebani" (Literary Researches. Rustaveli Institute of Literature), XXIV, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 91-102 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., The Writings of Gregory Nazianzen Translated by David Tbeli and the Manuscripts Containing Them, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XX, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 106-114 (in Georgian with English resume)

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Some Works Attributed to David Tbeli in Georgian Collections of Gregory the Theologian, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XXI, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 139-145. (in Georgian with English resume)

 - MATCHAVARIANI M., Encomium to St. Demetrios of Thessalonike Composed by Euthymius the Athonite, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Language and Literature Series), 2004-2005, p. 165-176. (in Georgian with Russain resume)

- MELIKISHVILI N., The 16 Liturgical Homilies of Gregory Nazianzen Translated by Ephrem Mtsire, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1-4, 1999, p. 149-164.  (in Georgian with Russian resume).

 - MELIKISHVILI N., The 16 Liturgical Homilies of Gregory Nazianzen Translated by Ephrem Mtsire in Old Georgian Manuscripts (the textual research), in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XVIII, Tbilisi, 1999, p. 195-204.   (in Georgian with German resume)

 - MELIKISHVILI N.,The Translation Method of Ephrem Mtsire in Non-liturgical Homilies of Gregory Nazianzen, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XIX, Tbilisi, 2001, p. 225-235.   (in Georgian with French resume)

 - MELIKISHVILI N., Biblical Citations in Gregory Nazianzen's Non-liturgical Homilies Translated by Ephrem Mtsire, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XX, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 102-105.   (in Georgian with French resume)

- Otkhmezuri T., On one of the Explanatory Notes of Ephrem Mtsire’s Autograph cod. S-1276, in "Istoriul-Philologiuri Krebuli" (Historical-Philological Collection Dedicated to I. Djavakhishvili’s 120th Anniversary), Tbilisi, 1997, p. 78-80 (in Georgian).

 - Otkhmezuri T., Ephrem Mtsire’s Notes on the Greek Sourses of the Georgian Translation of the Liturgical Sermons by Gregory of Nazianzus, in "Matsne" (Proccedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Series of Language and Literature), 1-4, 1998, p. 138-148 (in Georgian with Russian resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., The Manuscripts of Classical Authors in the Byzantine World: Ephrem Mtsire and the Books of Pagans, in ANATHESIS. Philological-Historical Studies Dedicated to Academician Tinatin Kaukhchishvili, Tbilisi, 1999, p. 227-234 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., "Ambigua ad Iohannem" by Maximus the Confessor in the Georgian Transaltion Tradition, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XVIII, Tbilisi, 1999, p. 236-252 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., Bezarashvili K., The Greek Original of One Fragment of the so-called Epilogue by Ioane Petritsi, in MNHMH. The Collection Dedicated to Prof. A. Alexidze, Tbilisi University Press, 2000, p. 207-240. (in Georgian with English resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., Some Remarks on the Georgian Translation of the Pseudo-Nonnos Mythological Commentaries, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies), XIX, Tbilisi, 2001, p. 236-257 (in Georgian with English resume).

- Otkhmezuri T., Marginal Notes in the Georgian Collections of the Sermons by Gregory of Nazianzus, in "Korneli Kekelidze 125" (Collection of Researches), Tbilisi University Press, 2004, p. 194-206 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., On the Georgian Translation of Gregory of Nazianzus’ Non-liturgical Homilies, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies), XX, Tbilisi, 2004, p. 132-144 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., Ephrem Mtsire and the Georgian Translation of Basilius Minimus’s Commentaries on Gregory of Nazianzus’ Non-liturgical Sermons, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies), XXI, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 236-252 (in Georgian with English resume).

 - Otkhmezuri T., Commentaries on the Works of Gregory of Nazianzus in the Georgian Translation Tradition (Thesis), 2005, 315 p. (in Georgian).

 - Otkhmezuri T., “Pitus” in Georgian Translation Tradition, in "Logos". The Annual of Greek and Roman Studies, 3, Tbilisi University Press, 2005, p. 17-44 (in Georgian with English resume).

- RAPAVA M., On the Understanding of "targmantagani" and "zedadartuli" according to Euthymius the Athonite's Translation of Gregory the Theologian's Homilies, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XVII, Tbilisi, 1992, p. 85-91.  (in Georgain with Russian resume)

 - RAPAVA M., The Homily of Gregory Nazianzen in the Georgian Polykephala, in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1, 1993, p. 58-71.  (in Georgian with Russian resume)

 - RAPAVA M., From Translation Activities of Ephrem Mtsire (Some Notes on the Collections Containing Ephrem Mtsire's Translations of Gregory Nazianzen's Sermons), in "Matsne" (Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Language and Literature Series), 1-4, 1998, p. 129-138.   (in Georgian with Russian resume)

 - RAPAVA M., One Unknown Personalis in Georgian and Armenian Translations of Gregory the Theologian's First Theological Homily (or. 27), in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XIX, Tbilisi, 2001, p. 213-220.    (in Georgian with French resume)

 - RAPAVA M., On One Note of Cod. N. Sin. Iber. 50 (Was the Collection of Translations of Gregory the Theologian's Writings in Georgian before Euthymius the Athonite?), in "Logos". The Annual of Greek and Roman Studies, 1, Tbilisi University Press, 2003, p. 147-150.   (in Georgian with English resume)

 - RAPAVA M., The Commentaries on the First Theological Homily (or. 27) in Georgian and Armenian Translations, in "Mravaltavi" (Historical-Philological Studies. K. Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts), XX, Tbilisi, 2003, p. 145-157.   (in Georgian with French resume)

 - RAPAVA M., On the Understanding of Theology according to the Georgian and Armenian Translations of the First Theological Homily (or. 27) of Gregory Nazianzen, in Logos II. The International Center of Christian Studies of Georgian Orthodox Church, Tbilisi, 2004, p. 167-174.   (in Georgian)

 - RAPAVA M.,Hellenic Philosophy and "Free Issues" according to Georgian Translations of the First Theological Homily (or. 27) of Gregory Nazianzen, in "K. Kekelidze 125" (A Collection of Researches), Tbilisi University Press, 2004, p. 245-267.   (in Georgian with French resume)

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Dernière mise à jour :  25/07/2011
Responsables: Andrea Schmidt, Laurence Tuerlinckx